梅丽莎是一位获奖的, 拥有13年以上数字技术专业经验的多面创意女性. 她的客户范围从行业领导者到利用她在设计方面的专业知识的初创公司, VR, AR, 创业, 艺术指导. Melissa's past clients include NBC Universal, Technicolor, Google, 哈佛商学院, UEFA, Telus, Walmart, UPMC, Forbes, Giant Tiger, Rogers, Adidas, Ford, WealthSimple, 和皇家音乐学院.
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Jake is an award-winning designer who uses 讲故事, art, 以及推动积极的社会变革和建立更强大的企业的技术. He's worked with a range of Fortune 500 companies, 主要的非营利组织, 政府机构, 和初创公司. 在过去的十年里, Jake's work has helped these companies change their public image, 接触更广泛的受众, 影响更多的生命. He'd love to collaborate with you on your next big challenge.
Show MoreIgor Savelev
Igor是一名用户体验和界面设计师,拥有超过15年的移动应用程序设计经验. He successfully shipped digital products for healthcare, fintech, 社交媒体, SaaS, 增强现实公司. 他曾供职于知名企业和已成长为独角兽的初创企业, 比如阿迪达斯, Coca-Cola, ClickUp, and more.
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Valeria是一位资深的UX/UI设计师,拥有8年以上的经验,为客户提供了100多个满意的项目. Through her career she collaborated with PMs, dev teams, 创业公司老板, 帮助他们创造最好的UX和UI. 瓦莱里娅认为,富有成效的合作首先源于透明度和专业精神. She treats every project as her own and never compromises; new challenges and solving problems are her passion.
Show More里Olha Bahaieva
Olha, a lead designer with 9+ years of specialization in web and UI/UX design, 是许多著名奖项的获得者吗, including the Indigo Design Awards and CSSDesign Awards. 她的创新能力在为Dish Network等杰出客户提供尖端解决方案方面发挥了重要作用, 人类的机构, 及成长通道. UX设计师俱乐部创始人, 他是设计课程和书籍的作者,拥有100多万的浏览量,也是ADP排名前1%的导师, Olha's is focused on user-centered products.
Show MoreAlok Dubey
Alok is a designer with UX, UI, and product strategy expertise. He focuses on the process by organizing it into sizeable, achievable chunks. His design process incorporates preliminary research, 流规划, feedback, 视觉设计实现. Alok is also an AR/VR and blockchain enthusiast.
Show MoreRehan Saiyed
Rehan is an award-winning designer specializing in branding, 互动体验, 数字孪生解决方案. With a deep passion for multidisciplinary creative endeavors, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership across multiple sectors, 无缝融合艺术, design, 讲故事, 和技术. His expertise lies in the jobs-to-be-done theory and value proposition design. Rehan以其合作精神和在全球出版物上刊登的获奖作品组合而闻名.
Show More马里奥Stipetic
马里奥是一名UI和UX设计师,对高质量的设计充满热情,拥有超过十年的经验. 他曾在旧金山/纽约的创业公司和中兴通讯等大型企业工作. 他是iOS、SaaS产品、电子商务网站和AR/AI应用程序设计方面的专家. 获得的认可包括在颁奖典礼上获得“每日网站”奖提名. He has a master's degree in design of visual communication.
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